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Nr 4(4) (2020): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Dyplomacja pozarządowa – rola NGO w polityce zagranicznej Polski

April 2, 2021


The article briefly presents the direction of changes in Polish non-government organizations in recent years. It will be presented in the context of systematization, the cooperation between government administration (including the structures which coordinate the foreign policy) and NGO, the increase participation NGO in realization public tasks and the connections between NGO and public administration. There will also be described the identity of the main goals and actions of non-government organizations and the Ministry of the Foreign Policy when it comes to international activity. Therefore we can talk about another type of diplomacy – non-governmental and social diplomacy. What is more, the importance of the NGO in this field is high. Their activity influenced the Polish image abroad and others in Poland. There are many international conferences, exchanges and projects which make the integration and exchange of information deeper. As well as the promotion of Poland abroad.