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Nr 4(4) (2020): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Dyplomacja morska jako nowy wymiar dyplomacji publicznej Unii Europejskiej

April 2, 2021


Sea areas are essential for the security of the European Union, given their geographical location as well as the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy.
The EU is taking action to ensure security in the seas and oceans and promoting international cooperation on maritime policy in line with the strategic priorities set out in the European Union’s Global Foreign Policy Strategy. However, in order to strengthen its position in the international arena, it aims to create a space that will guarantee the integrity of sectoral and national maritime strategies, as well as to deepen civil or military cooperation between member states.
The European Union’s diplomatic activities and initiatives, which were focused on dialogue with third countries, made the Maritime Force of this organization, apart from the systems supporting the EU diplomatic service, an instrument of maritime diplomacy in the EU’s foreign policy.