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Nr 4(16) (2023): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Zagrożenia we współczesnej szkole na przykładzie szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych w mieście średniej wielkości w Polsce

March 30, 2024


This paper discusses security in schools. It analyzes similarities and differences in the evaluation of risks, their types and the scale of their occurrence in the opinion of principals, teachers and students of primary and secondary schools. The research was conducted in primary and secondary schools in a medium-sized city in Poland. It is the first security-related research conducted under the “Safe School” program of the Ministry of National Education in that city. The purpose of the research was to answer the question of how the respective groups of stakeholders (principals, teachers, and students) see risks at schools and what the similarities and differences are in their respective perceptions of the escalation of those risks.