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Nr 4(16) (2023): Alcumena. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne – Alcumena. Interdisciplinary Journal

Mediacje jako sposób rozwiązywania konfliktów w sporcie. Propozycja wykorzystania modelu komunikacji Porozumienie bez Przemocy

March 30, 2024


Background: The aim of the article is to highlight the importance of mediation in resolving disputes in sports, which is, in the consideration of the Author, underestimated. bMaterials and Methods: The text is based on literature and articles that consider this method of ending conflicts, internet recognition, and the presentation of ahypothetical (based on the Nonviolent communication mediation model) case study. Conclusions: Mediation is not widely used in the process of resolving disputes in sports. There is no example of using a mediation model based on NVC in the Polish internet space. Mediations based on NVC can be treated as a possible and successful means of ending conflicts in sports. This area (mediation and mediation based on NVC) is worth more advanced research.